Thursday, November 29, 2007

Thing 5. Create a Teacher Web Page

Yes, it is 6:15 pm. Yes, I am still at work. I have been working on my webpage since about 3:00 today after Leslie Yoder explained the fundamentals. I think it is so fun to create this, probably because there is something orderly about being able to collate all essential information in one page (it is the aspiring librarian in me that needs things ordered and labeled). Since Leslie Erickson provided some yummy treats, I have been quite content to sit and work uninterupted while the building is calm. Thank you Leslie Yoder and Leslie Erickson!

check out my webpage:

1 comment:

Linda said...

Urban Planet is such a useful tool, I think. Thanks for your comments about my webpages and just wanted to let you know that you and your students are welcome to use any of my pages. Also, what a good idea you had to use blogs to provide info on your classes to your kids. Urban Planet can do that too, but I like the format of your blogs. Linda