Saturday, March 8, 2008

Research Papers

I introduced the research paper process to my ninth graders this week. They really liked the research paper calculator! I hope they use it. It was great to walk them through the different features of the databases using my laptop and projector so they could all ask questions at one time and then could directly use the instruction on their own in the library. I love that when I watched them on their individual computers that they all knew how to access the databases and knew how to start their research. I felt like this is the a victory in itself. I know their information will be so much better because of this. The process of them choosing their topics is also better informed since they all have to find initial articles before they make the decision and their research on the databases have encouraged many of them to choose one topic over another.

On a side note, I got so sick of telling my students over and over that wikipedia is not a reliable source that I wrote it on the board a couple of weeks ago. This has created conversation in all my classes so I know they have all really heard it this time...I am not saying that I'll never see wikipedia on a works cited again, of course; I am not that naive. It even got my advisory students talking and I was really proud of the students that could, and willingly did, explain it to the other students who didn't understand this.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I updated the Library webpage so that all the databases plus the two our school pays to access are all hotlinks and usable again on the first page of It behooves us to have the studetns look at ALL the databases to see the value of them. Each have so many applications! Thank you for supporting the Media Center so well.