Sunday, March 23, 2008


Technology is fun! I worked with another English teacher for an hour this week teaching her how to set up a blog, a wiki, and how to attach a site meter to her blog. We also talked about google documents. She was really excited and it was fun for me to share this information about technology that I have learned.

Also, I brought my projector and laptop with me to our annual Link Crew planning session that occurred on Thursday. It was really great to be able to use this technology instead of writing things out on pieces of paper scattered around the room only to have to type it up later. We could all work together on the same document and the planning session went smoothly and efficiently--and of course, it was fun too! We were able to download the school calendar and attach to the icalendar as well, which made planning next year's events that much easier.

Lastly, does anyone know how to download data from a jvc digital camcorder onto imovies? This has been the latest link crew frustration so if anyone knows anything about this particular camcorder, I would love your advice.

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