Monday, March 17, 2008

Overdue library book

I love this story by Anna Brones
"If you have a tendency to rack up late fees at your local library, you might want to consider moving to Finland. In the southern town of Vaanta, a library-goer recently returned a book that had been checked out for over 100 years. The person who returned it chose to remain anonymous -- possibly deterred by the note on the book which stated there was a 10 penny per week charge for late returns. The library did not state whether it would have charged a fine or not. The book was a bound copy of a 1902 volume of Vartija, a religious monthly periodical" (

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Libraries frequently have amnesty days so they can get patrons to return overdues. Our own public library comes to schools freuquently and takes overdues from students to help them realize the library is on their side. This cleans the slate and lets them start fresh. I love stories where someone finds a book they checked out decades earlier. TEACHERS SHOULD ALWAYS MAKE CERTAIN THEY GET A "TEACHER" NOTATION ON THEIR ACCOUNT SO THEY NEVER RECEIVE FINES. This is another reason why we LOVE our libraries!