Monday, November 12, 2007

Thing 26. Digital Image Collections

This is by far one of my favorite things to research! I found so many collections that it is hard to pick a few favorites to share so please forgive me, as always, if this gets to be a bit wordy...

“ARTstor has announced that sixteen art museums have committed to share digital image collections and associated data through ARTstor. Image and data from these collections will enhance ARTstor’s ability to provide broad-based access to art images for educational and scholarly use in museums, colleges and universities, and the K-12 sector”
This is such a great site, which includes links to some amazing museums including the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Art Institute of Chicago, The British Library, British Museum, The Minneapolis Museum of ARt--and so many more!

This site is a social tagging project so you can participate and add tags to pieces of art.

This in New York Public Library's site which has 550,000 images.

The University of Washington...

This is located in Sydney, and it has a teacher's guide section which is fun.

I haven't actually figured out how to use these images in blogs, but they are great resources to add to a powerpoint presentation or to show students on the projector during lectures, etc.

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