Friday, September 28, 2007

Blogging observation for the week

An interesting thing happened today as I went to monitor my Bloglines. Next to four of the feeds was a red exclamation point. When I clicked on this added feature, the following message popped up: “Bloglines has encountered an error trying to fetch the latest version of this feed. Bloglines handles errors automatically, no action is required by you. The error was:

The feed does not appear to exist. This can be caused by the feed URL being incorrect, or it can be caused by a configuration issue with the server hosting the feed. If this error continues, you should check the feed URL and, if it is wrong, subscribe to the correct URL.”

This baffles me. How can these blogs not exist when I have had these blogs in this feed since I created by RSS feed—and they are four blogs from the MILP? Additionally, how can the message simultaneously state no action is required by me AND you should check the feed URL and…subscribe to the correct URL? I don’t know what to make of it. I suppose I could delete them and then re-subscribe. This makes me think of Robert Burn’s poem “To A Mouse…”—“The best laid plans of mice and men…” When it comes to technology, despite trying to plow ahead—possibly because one is trying to plow ahead—one never know when one will unknowingly run into a mouse’s house. I think I am all set up and then the error button pops up and I am at a loss. I imagine for those who have grown up with this technology it is solving this problem is intuitive, but for me—I have to stop, sigh, and then breathe deeply to rally myself to jump back in for possibly hours in order to fix the unexpected problem.

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