Saturday, September 29, 2007

Thing 17: One New Thing

Today in my special library class I discovered a thing called I am sure many librarians and tech savvy adventurers have heard of this before, but I had not. I have to wonder, having said that, if I had heard about it in another class before but hadn't had enough tech savvyness then to even recognize that I should check it out. Today, however, I logged on. How exciting it is!

This is a website where you can catalog all the books in your personal collection. From there, the options are endless. You can meet other people who have similar book interests, you can import cataloging records from anywhere including Library of Congress, you can get recommendations and reviews, give recommendations and reviews, join book clubs, add your books onto your blog--really, what can't you do once you get on this site? Seriously though, as an English teacher and library science student, I couldn't be more intrigued with a website! Check it out and see for yourselves!

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